Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm sad today being alone is hard.

I decided to edit my post...

There is a lot left unsaid in our relationship, a lot left to be determined, splitting up everything in a home is hard. Deciding who gets holidays heartbreaking.

To the ladies following my blog and who have left comments. Thank you I will be stopping by your blogs in the next few days.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Standing Still

"standing still" that could be understood as still standing, but the effect of stillness is lost, ( in stillness).

Standing is not a passive action if you are crossing a strong river or trying to do a reaching assist from there to a victim, or if you are standing your ground in a battle.

On the other hand taking a stand can be a very arduous and draining activity as the toll of day after day of onslaught continues.

Anyway suffice it to say that I have learned much and much to learn, but the test of time will tell the impact of the major mid course correction going on in my life these days.