Friday, October 2, 2009

Not being able to watch my son makes me feel like a failure

I went to the Dr. this morning, got some results back and sent for more tests. They did me in today, it hurts to sit, breathe, keep my eyes open and I can't take care of my son. I can't lift him up without puking.

So I called him at work today...once, and then sent his personal cell a message saying that I didn't want to bother him but I really needed help with the baby.

Then I sent him a couple more texts in the afternoon, and tried him work number three hours after the first call. Then I tried again about an hour later. For the last hour I've been calling him off the hook and sent texts to his work and personal number.

He hasn't returned anything, I get we aren't together and that he doesn't have to check in, he has been GREAT about calling to say goodnight to our son which helps him so much. But WHY can't he just watch him for a bit. I am not asking him to take care of me, just help with our son.

Now on top of not feeling well, I can't stop crying because I thought that even though we aren't together he could at least watch our son if I asked no BEGGED him too.


  1. Oh... I'm so sorry. I just posted a comment to you on blog frog, and came over looking to see if you had an e-mail link so I could send you more information, etc. I'm praying for you; I can't imagine. Um, feel free to e-mail me if you'd like to 'chat' - you can do it through my blogger profile.

  2. I will keep you in my prayers. I had something similar with a miscarriage. I had very high hcg numbers and a huge placenta. My numbers were still going up even though there was no viable baby.
