Saturday, October 3, 2009

What is wrong with me?

I have been DESPERATELY trying to reach him for over a day, finally ended up calling his emergency line at work (spoke with his boss) found out that he called in sick Friday and they have not heard from him. His boss was going to see what he could do, not sure if he has had any luck or not.

His phones are off, left tons of messages and emergency services social worker left a message for him. None of which he is returning.

Most of my stuff, like warm clothes and SOCKS are all in his storage facilities I can't access them without him I wonder when that will be possible to go to the storage facility. I am wondering about our banking situation, are we still splitting things jointly.

Now I am worried about him. I should be at the hospital taking care of myself and my baby but I am watching the baby that is here sleep and wondering what I should do.

UGH I do not want to contact his parents.


  1. I'm sorry your feeling stressed. My opinion is that your ex is scared. Let me first say that he should be by your side supporting your son and you as well since you are still carrying his child. But seeing that he is not says that he apparently has other plans. With that being said the more you call him and try to desperately get ahold of him, the more he's going to run. I think with time he will realize what's important and they he needs to be there for your kids. But it will probably have to be mutual terms because the more you tell him what your son needs, he will feel it's more for you and not your son. I hope your feeling better and am sorry your in the situation your in. I really hope you have friends close by that can support you.

  2. thank you I appreciate your insight. I don't have friends near me at this time and until I have a court order stating I can move away from this area I can't just pack the baby up and move, also my Dr.'s etc are here.

  3. I just happened to see if you updated and see what you wrote. Again I am so sorry your in the position your in. Dealing with custody issues myself and unfortunately a couple of my friends, I don't think you should have to much of a problem getting a judge to let you move. Especially if your ex is not helping and actively participating. I don't know much about your situation and if you guys have already went to court but you are usually not required to stay put just because your husband lives there. The courts will modify it so you both can have convience yet a healthy enviroment. Sorry to babble but I just know how nasty it can get and you shouldn't be by yourself depending on some jerk who doesn't want to be there. I really hope your feeling better and if I might far along are you?? Stay strong and let your baby boy keep you occupied.

  4. 26 weeks right now, I am feeling a bit better. The rule in Alberta is that I have to stay within 120km of our home address until court says otherwise. I completed my Parenting after Separation course last night which you must have the certificate for before making a court application. I had 5 weeks in delays to get into the course. Hoping I can get to court soon...meeting with my lawyer again tomorrow. A lot of people do move out of the 120km range but get in trouble when it goes to court.

  5. Well that's good that your on the ball with everything. So your almost 7 cool!I wish you had people to be with you. This should be an exciting time. Some people are just heartless and i'm sorry one of them happens to be your sons father. I saw that you had tests done and you need to make decisions. I hope everything's ok. If you ever need to chat you can email me at
    Were you guys married? Not like it matters but I was just curious. Does he even want joint custody and fighting for that? Because for him not answer your calls and be there in times of need, it doesn't seem he would mind if you moved closer to home. Oh well. Glad your feeling a little better.
